Sunday, January 24, 2010


There are no words to describe how amazed I was when I opened the envelope that held this Victorian Crazy Quilted ATC!
I have the purrrfect bejeweled frame to display it in...
Please click and see the detailed stitching on the different fibers...
and the purple and white edge stitching...
This ATC came to me from my friend, fiber artist extraordinaire Lorraine Layne. Thank you so very can I possibly measure up with my return?

1 comment:

Garden Cats + Crafts said...

Hui, ist das ein wunderschönes Teilchen. Ein wirkliches Meisterwerk, liebe Karla. Ich glaube sehr, dass Du Dich über dieses schöne ATC in dem prunkvollen Rahmen sehr gefreut hast.
LG Birgit